Saturday, February 23, 2008


A person, a place, or an object that can stand for something beyond itself.

Examples From Literature:

"...they're symbols, and each one stands for a whole series of things. Take the anchor, there. The first meaning of that is hope, because hope holds you fast like an anchor so you don't give way. the second meaning is steadfastness. The third meaning is snag, or prevention."
From The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman written in 1955.

"Fastened to one of the links of the silver bracelet was a tiny wooden carving. I held it between my fingers to look at it a little closer. It was amazing the amount of detail involved in the little figurine -the miniture wolf was utterly realistic. It was even carved out of some red-brown wood that matched the color of his skin."
Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer (2007).

My Examples:

My ipod let me escape from the "real" world. It made me sane. I lost my ipod. I'm slowly becoming one of the norms.
iPOD = :)
LOST iPOD = :'(

Hearts are over rated. Love means more than a small enclosed space.

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